
The seven-part series “Breathe” is part of the Building Blocks exhibition, UNIT LONDON – 12 April – 14 May 2023

Are we breathing life into simple geometric shapes through generative art practices?

When I was a postgrad student of Digital arts after studying at the Faculty of Mathematics, I learned from one of my professors that the simplest way to make anything appear alive is by adding eyes and then animating them to blink. Unfortunately, my abstract geometry actors are just shapely arcs of varying thicknesses, continuously floating in a vacuum of theoretical coordinate space.

The only option left was to make them breathe. The value and significance of breathing became of utmost importance for my characters as much as it is for all living beings.

It is a seven-part series of never-ending meditative animations with infinite possibilities.

Breathe 1 & 4 – edition size 25, Breateh 2, 3, 5, 6 & 7 – unique 1/1


Building Blocks exhibition on Unit London

Interveiw: In conversation with Aleksandra Jovanic